ဘီမုႈဘါဘ့ဥအပူၚ ကစႈဒဥ၀ဲတႈစံးတႈကတိၚအမုႈနံၚ ဖ့ႀဘဴၚအါရံၚ ၂၁ သီ

International Mother Language Day

ဘီမုႈဘါဘ့ဥအပူၚ ကစႈဒဥ၀ဲတႈစံးတႈကတိၚအမုႈနံၚ

ဖ့ႀဘဴၚအါရံၚ ၂၁ သီ

စးထီဥလ႕ဖိသဥအဆ႕ကတီႈလံၚလံၚယ တႈက်ဲးစ႕ၚမၚလိပသးယ ဒီးစံးတႈကတိၚတႈလ႕ ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပက်ိဏ မ့ႈတႈလ႕အကါဒိဥ၀ဲလ႕ ဖိသဥကိးဒံကိးဂၚဒဲးသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥလ႕ တႈကိးမံၚဒဲးအပူၚအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’ တႈစံးကတိၚအကစႈဒဥ၀ဲအက်ိဏသ့၀ဲဘ့်ဘ့်ယ ကဲဘ်ဳးကဲဖွိဥ၀ဲလ႕ဖိသဥကိးဂၚဒဲးသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥ၀ဲလ႕ က်ဲအါဘိအပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’ မ့ႈတႈလ႕အဘဥဃးလိဏအသးဒီး အလုႈလဏဆဲးလၚယ ဒုးအိဥထီဥတႈလီၚတံဥလီၚဆဲးလ႕ ဒ္သိးအကမ့ႈ ပွၚသ့ဥတဖဥလ႕အအိဥဒီး တႈကူဥသ့လ႕အပတီႈထီ၀ဲယ ကဲထီဥစ့ႈကီးတႈဆီဥထြဲမၚစ႕ၚလ႕ တႈဃုသ့ဥညါနဥပ႕ႈ ကလုဏအဂုႈအဂၚသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈကတိၚအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

ဖိသဥတဂၚအတႈသ့ဥညါနဥပ႕ႈ၀ဲ တႈဂ့ႈတႈက်ိၚလ႕အခိဥအဃ႕ၚယ တႈဃုသ့ဥညါမၚလိအသး ဘဥဃးဒီး တႈထံဥတႈဆိကမိဥဒီးတႈသ့တႈဘဥသ့ဥတဖဥ စးထီဥ၀ဲလ႕တႈကတိၚလ႕ အမၚလိအသးအဆိကတ႕ႈတခါအပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’ ပမိႈအတႈကတိၚ (Mother Language) အိဥ၀ဲဒီးမူဒါလ႕ အကါဒိဥ၀ဲအံၚ လ႕တႈမၚလိၚဘွီလိၚ၀ဲ ပတႈဆိကမိႈဒီးတႈသးဂဲၚသ့ဥတဖဥ အဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

ပမိႈအတႈကတိၚ (Mother Language) အိဥ၀ဲဒီးအသဟီဥလ႕အတုၚလီၚ၀ီလီၚ၀ဲ ပွၚတဂၚစုဏစုဏ အတႈဒုးဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’ တႈကတိၚအဆိကတ႕ႈယ မ့ႈ၀ဲတႈကလုႈလ႕အလီၚအဲဥလီၚကြံဏ၀ဲယ ဒ္ပနဥဟူဘဥ၀ဲဒီးအိဥညီႏုဏအသးဒီးပွၚ တခ်ဳးလ႕ပအိဥဖ်ဲဥထီဥဒ္၀ဲ ဖဲပအိဥ၀ဲလ႕မိႈအဟ႕ဖ႕ပူၚလံၚလံၚအံၚယ အိဥ၀ဲဒီးမူဒါလ႕အကါဒိဥ၀ဲ လ႕တႈတ့ဘွီထီဥပတႈဆိကမိႈဒီး ပတႈသးဂဲၚအက့ႈအဂီၚသ့ဥတဖဥနဥ့လီၚ’ ဖိသဥတဂၚအတႈဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥလ႕ နီႈခိနီႈသးဒီဂၚညါအတႈအိဥအသးလ႕အဂ့ၚ၀ဲအပူၚ အိဥသနၚ့အသးလ႕ တႈလ႕အသ့ဥညါဘဥ၀ဲ ခီဖ်ိတႈစံးတႈကတိၚလ႕ အနဥဟူဒီးစံးကတိၚ၀ဲ လ႕အခီဥထံးလံၚလံၚတခါ အပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’

ပွၚအါအါဂၚ (လီၚဆီဒဥတႈ ပပွၚကညီဖိ) သ့ဥတဖဥယ တသ့ဥညါဒီး တသ့စံးကတိၚ၀ဲအကစႈဒဥ၀ဲအက်ိဏ လ့ၚတက့ၚသ့ဥတဖဥ အိဥ၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’ ဘဥဆဥ အသးအိဥဆ႕မုဏလဥ၀ဲဒ္သိး အကဘဥတႈဂံႈထီဥဒြးထီဥအီၚလ႕ ပကလုႈဒူဥအပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’ ဒ္နဥ့ဒီး လီၚဂဏဒ္သိး တႈအီဥလ႕ပွၚထုးထီဥအီၚတမံၚ တမ့ႈတႈဖိတႈလံၚလ႕အမ့ႈအတီနီႈနီႈဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’ အက့ႈအဂီၚအိဥဖ်ါဖီခိဥ၀ဲဘဥဆဥ တႈအဘဲလ႕အကဘဥအိဥဒီးအီၚယ ဒီးအတႈသ့တႈဘဥလ႕အႀက႕းအိဥဒီးအီၚသ့ဥတဖဥ တအိဥ၀ဲဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’

မ္ပကသူသကိးပမိႈအတႈကတိၚ (ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပက်ိဏ) လ႕တႈစံးတႈကတိၚအပူၚမ့ႈဂ့ၚယ လ႕တႈကြဲးလံဏကြဲးလဲဥယ တႈဖးလံဏဖးလဲဥအပူၚယ ဒီးတဲအီၚယ ကတိၚအီၚယ ဖးအီၚယ ကြဲးအီၚ လ႕တႈလီၚတံဥလီၚဆဲးအပူၚနဥ့တက့ႈ’ မူဒါအိဥဒီးပွၚယ တႈလီၚတီလ႕ပဖီခိဥ ဒ္သိးပကမၚဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥ ပတႈစံးတႈကတိၚအဂီႈစ့ႈကီးနဥ့လီၚ’ သူဥဘီဥသးစႈလ႕စိၚခဲအံၚသ့ဥတဖဥ ကဘဥအိဥ၀ဲဒီးတႈဒိကနဥ သူဥက့သးပွႈလ႕အသ့၀ဲအတႈစံးတႈကတိၚလီၚတံဥလီၚဆဲးသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈသိဥလိထုးစုနဲဥက်ဲတႈ လ႕တႈဆီဥလီၚသူဥဆီဥလီၚသးအပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’ လ႕တႈမၚလိမၚဒိးပသးလ႕ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပတႈကတိၚယ ပက်ိဏအမဲဏညါယ တႈမၚလိပသးလ႕ထါယ ဒီးတႈကတိၚဒိလ႕ပ်႕ၚ လ႕အလုႈဒိဥပွၚ့ဒိဥ၀ဲသ့ဥတဖဥ မ့ႈတႈလ႕အဆီဥထြဲမၚစ႕ၚသကဲးပ၀ဏယ တႈပဏသူဥပဏသး လ႕ဖိဒံဖိသဥဒီးသူဥဘီဥသးစႈလ႕ ခ့ခါခဲအံၚသ့ဥတဖဥအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

ဒ္သိးပွၚကနဥပ႕ႈ သ့စံးသ့ကတိၚ ပဏလုႈဒိဥပွၚ့ဒိဥက့ၚ ပက်ိဏအဂီႈ ပထံဥဘဥ၀ဲစ့ႈကီး ပွၚလ႕အသိဥလိကလီတႈ လ႕တႈကြႈဆိကမိႈတႈနဥ့ဘ်ဳးလ႕အကစႈဒဥ၀ဲအဂီႈ တအိဥ၀ဲနီတမံၚအပူၚသ့ဥတဖဥ အိဥ၀ဲစ့ႈကီးနဥ့လီၚ’ အ၀ဲသ့ဥဆိကမိႈဒဥ၀ဲထဲ ခါဆူညါသူဥဘီဥသးစႈသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥ၀ဲလ႕ တႈလ႕တႈပွဲၚအပူၚအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

မ့ႈလ႕တႈလဲၚထီဥလဲၚထီ၀ဲဒီး တႈလဲလိဏအသးအပတီႈထီ၀ဲအဃိယ ဒီးလ႕ဟီဥခိဥဒီဘ့ဥအပူၚ တႈဆဲးက်႕လိဏသးညီ၀ဲလ႕အဲးကလံးအက်ိဏ တႈဘဥဎိဏအိဥ၀ဲလ႕ ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပက်ိဏကလီၚမဥကြံဏဧါယ ပစံးတသ့ဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’ သူဥဘီဥသးစႈတနီၚနီၚ ဆိကမိႈ၀ဲလ႕ ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပမိႈအက်ိဏ တမ့ႈတႈလ႕အလုႈအပွၚ့ဒိဥ၀ဲ အကါတဒိဥ၀ဲယ လီၚဆီဒဥတႈဖဲတႈလီႈလ႕အအိဥ၀ဲအပူၚ ပွၚတသူ၀ဲပပွၚကညီက်ိဏအဃိဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’

မ့မ့ႈလ႕အဂၚတကပၚပထံဥဘဥ၀ဲလ႕ ပသးမ့ႈအိဥပဏလုႈပဏပွၚ့ မၚလိမၚဒိး စံးကတိၚပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပက်ိဏဒီး ဆ႕ကတီႈခဲကနံဥအံၚ တႈဖိတႈလံၚဒီးတႈအက်ိၚအက်ဲလ႕ အဆီဥထြဲမၚစ႕ၚ ပတႈဃုသ့ဥညါ မၚလိမၚဒိးပသးသ့ဥတဖဥ အိဥ၀ဲအါမံၚအါမေိ ဒီးက်ဲအိဥ၀ဲအါဘိစ့ႈကီးနဥ့လီၚ’

ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲပတႈစံးတႈကတိၚယ ပမိႈအက်ိဏ မ့ႈ၀ဲတႈဟ့ဥသါ လုႈဒိဥပွၚ့ဒိဥ၀ဲ ဒ္အဟဲလီၚစ႕ၚလီၚသြဲဥ၀ဲလ႕ မိႈပႈဖံဖုသ့ဥတဖဥအအိဥအဃိယ ဒီးမ့ႈစ့ႈကီးတႈနႈ့သါခြဲးဎဏလ႕အအိဥပဏစ႕ၚ လ႕ပ်႕ၚလံၚလံၚနဥ့လီၚ’ ပ၀ဲသ့ဥကိးဂၚဒဲး ပအိဥ၀ဲဒီးမူဒါယ ဒီးတႈလီၚတီလ႕ပဖီခိဥ ဒ္သိးပကပဏလုႈပဏပွၚ့ယ ကဟုကဎဏပ႕ၚဃဥက့ၚပက်ိဏယ က်ဲးစ႕ၚသကိးဒ္သိး ပမိႈအတႈကတိၚ ကအိဥဂ႕ႈဆိးက်႕ၚ လဲၚထီဥလဲၚထီ၀ဲအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

International Mother Language Day
21 February

International Mother Language Day
21 February

Importance of Mother Toungue 

Learning to speak in the mother tongue is very important for a child’s overall development. Being fluent in the mother tongue, which is also known as the native language, benefits the child in    many ways. It connects him to his culture, ensures better intellectual development, and aids in the learning of other languages.   

A child’s first comprehension of the world around him, the learning of concepts and skills, starts with the language that is first taught to him. Mother language has such an important role in framing our thinking and emotions.

Mother language has a very powerful impact in the formation of the individual. Our first language, the beautiful sounds which one hears and gets familiar with before being born while in the womb, has such an important role in shaping our thoughts and emotions. A child’s psychological and personality development will depend upon what has been conveyed through the mother tongue.

Let all the people value their mother toungue

There are many who completely do not know their mother tongue anymore. But they still want to be numbered among those who speak a certain language. These are those who are like (e.g) a food product which are not genuine that can be seen outwardly and lack of taste or qualities in itself

Keep on using our mother tongue in speaking, reading and writing correctly. And even we are responsible to promote it. Younger generation should humbly be attentive to the teaching guidance of the older generation who have been well-versed in their mother tongues. In addition to learning the mother tongues, there is the possibility of learning the proverbs and the saying in the past which are very much supportive to the morality and behavior of the present generation.

Speaking of learning the mother tongues, there have been people in certain places who selflessly and eagerly taught their  mother tongue to the younger ones for the good of the future generation.

Most possibly, due to globalization (e.g easy communication in English) there can be a threat of losing one’s own mother tongue. It can be considered as unimportant especially among the younger generation as they live in the places where their mother tongue is rarely used.    

On the other hand, there is a great advantage of teaching, learning and using one’s own mother tongue by making use of different means of communication and social media.  

RVA is an important means for safeguarding and promoting the mother tongues of 21 languages. Although it is the only means of the Catholic Church especially in Asia for broadcasting evangelical and human development programs to all the people, regardless of their faith, cultures and races, it is really an important means from which people are accessible to the various messages in their own mother tongues. In addition, the program providers are blessed to have the opportunities to learn, to maintain, to improve their mother tongue and to produce the qualified program in their mother tongues.

It is our legacy, it is our birthright which is inherited to us from our older generation. Everyone is responsible to value and safeguard for the sustenance  of ones mother tongue.

Fr Saw Hubert

Member of editorial board

Radio Veritas Asia








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