တႈကြႈထံဆိကမိႈလ႕ သီဘူဥသီခါ ဒီး ပွၚမၚတႈလ႕ တႈအိဥဖွိဥကရ႕သ့ဥတဖဥအဂီႈ

Some of the reflections for the priests on the occasion of ongoing formation on November 05, 2019 in Nyaunglebin

တႈဂ့ႈတႈက်ိၚတနီၚ လ႕သီခါ မ့တမ့ႈ ခိဥနဥသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈကြႈထံဆိကမိႈတႈအဂီႈ

Some of the reflections for the priests on the occasion of ongoing formation on November 05, 2019 in Nyaunglebin

သီခါသ့ဥတဖဥ ကဘဥဒီသူဥပဏသး ဘဥဃးဒီးပွၚအဂၚ အတႈသူဥဒိဥသးဖ်ိးယ တႈသူဥအုးသးအုးယ တႈဖ့ႈဆ႕ဒီးတႈတဘဥလိဏဖိးဒ့လိဏသးယ ပွၚတဂၚဂၚအတႈပ်ံၚတႈဖုးယ တႈသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚယ ဒီးကဘဥမၚဘဥလိဏ၀ဲတႈသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚ ဒီးက်ဲးစ႕ၚဃုထံဥနဥ့ က်ဲလ႕အဂ့ၚ၀ဲသ့ဥတဖဥအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

ပွၚလ႕အအိဥ၀ဲဒီးတႈကူဥသ့အသိး ပွၚလ႕အတႈပဏသူဥပဏသး ဒ္၀့ၚဒံ၀ီၚ၀ဲသ့ဥတဖဥစ့ႈကီး အိဥ၀ဲထီဘိနဥ့လီၚ’ တႈကြႈဆိကမိႈတႈဂ့ၚဂ့ၚဘဥဘဥ ဒီးတႈကူဥသ့ဖဲအႀက႕းမ့ႈတအိဥဘဥဒီး တႈကဲခိဥကဲနဥ တကဲထီဥလိဏထီဥ၀ဲဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’ ဖဲတႈကြႈလီၚက့ၚ ပကစႈဒဥ၀ဲ ပတႈပဏသူဥပဏသး ဂ့ၚဂ့ၚဘဥဘဥ မ့ႈတအိဥ၀ဲအခါ တႈတမၚလ႕ၚအသး ဒ္သိးအကဘဥမၚအသး တအိဥထီဥလ႕ၚ၀ဲလ႕ ခိဥနဥတဂၚအပူၚလ႕ၚဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’

အသုတဘဥမၚတႈခဲလ႕ဏထဲတဂၚဧိၚဘဥဒီး ကဘဥသ့ဟ့ဥလီၚ၀ဲမူဒါ ဆူပွၚဂၚအအိဥစ့ႈကီးနဥ့လီၚ’

သီခါ မ့တမ့ႈ ခိဥနဥသ့ဥတဖဥ ကဘဥသ့ဟ့ဥဂံႈဟ့ဥဘါ၀ဲ ပွၚအဂၚ ဒ္သိးအကဖံးတႈမၚတႈဆူညါကြႈ့ကြႈ့ယ ဒ္သိးတႈအဂ့ၚသ့ဥတဖဥ ကဟဲအိဥထီဥ၀ဲလ႕ ပွၚသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚ အတႈဖံးတႈမၚအပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’ ကဘဥအိဥ၀ဲဒီး တႈသူဥအိဥသးအိဥ သူဥကညီၚသးကညီၚပွၚအဂၚ စ့ႈကီးနဥ့လီၚ’

တႈလ႕ခိဥနဥ မ့တမ့ႈ သီခါသ့ဥတဖဥ ကဘဥဟးဆွဲးတႈသ့ဥတဖဥ မ့ႈ၀ဲဒ္အဖီလဏအသိးနဥ့လီၚ’

အသုတဘဥဒုးအိဥထီဥတႈပ်ံၚတႈဖုး လ႕ပွၚလ႕အအိဥလ႕အဖီလဏသ့ဥတဖဥအအိဥတဂ့ၚ’ ကဘဥပ်ဲ၀ဲ ပွၚသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚအက်ဲ ဒ္သိးအကသ့ပဏဖ်ါထီဥ၀ဲ တႈအိဥလ႕အသးပူၚသ့ဥတဖဥယ အတႈဆိကမိႈဒီးအတႈထံဥသ့ဥတဖဥ အဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

သီခါ မ့တမ့ႈ ခိဥနဥသ့ဥတဖဥ တအိဥ၀ဲဒီးတႈသူဥစူၚသးစူၚ လ႕ပွၚလ႕အအိဥဒီးအ၀ဲသ့ဥတဖဥအဖီခိဥ တုၚဒဥလဲဥ အဟ့ဥလီၚဒဥ၀ဲတႈကလုႈလ႕ အတမုဏတလၚ၀ဲ ဆူပွၚသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚအဖီခိဥ”မ့မ့ႈတခီ” ကဘဥလဲၚဃုဏတႈ ဖံးဃုဏမၚဃုဏတႈ ဒီးအပွၚကမ်႕ႈဖိသ့ဥတဖဥနဥ့လီၚ’

သီခါ (ခိဥနဥ) သ့ဥတဖဥ အသုတဘဥအိဥ၀ဲဒီး တႈသူဥဒိဥသးဖ်ိး ဖဲပွၚအဂၚ ကဒူးကဒ့ဥတႈလ႕အ၀ဲသ့ဥ အဖီခိဥတဂ့ၚ”မ့မ့ႈတခီ ကဘဥတူဥလိဏ၀ဲ ပွၚအဂၚအတႈထံဥအတႈဆိကမိႈတႈ အကလုႈကလုႈ လ႕ အ၀ဲသ့ဥအဖီခိဥယ မ့ႈလ႕တႈသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚ ကအိဥ၀ဲဒီးတႈမၚဂ့ၚထီဥတႈ အကံဥအလဲသ့ဥတဖဥစ့ႈကီးယ ဒီးကဘဥမၚလိမၚဒိးကဒီးအသး ထီဘိနဥ့လီၚ’

ပွၚအဂၚအတႈထံဥအတႈဆိကမိႈတႈလ႕ သီခါ (ခိဥနဥ) သ့ဥတဖဥအဖီခိဥ မ့ႈတအိဥ၀ဲဒီး အခီပညီလီၚတံဥလီၚဆဲးဘဥဒီး ကဘဥကတိၚဒုးနဥပ႕ႈက့ၚပွၚအဂၚ ၀ံၚအလီႈခံ ကဘဥပဏထီဥတႈဂ့ႈသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚ ဆူခိဥနဥသ့ဥတဖဥ အစုပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’

အသုတဘဥဃုထံဥနဥ့တႈကမဥထီဘိ လ႕ပွၚအဂၚသ့ဥတဖဥအအိဥတဂ့ၚ’ ခိဥနဥသ့ဥတဖဥ ကဘဥစံးဘ်ဳးစံးဖွိဥ၀ဲဎြၚ ထီဘိနဥ့လီၚ’ ကဘဥအိဥ၀ဲဒီးတႈသူဥစူၚသးစူၚယ တႈ၀ံသးစူၚတႈယ ဒီးတႈပ်ႈကြံဏပွၚအဂၚနဥ့လီၚ’

ဖဲတႈအိဥအသး တအိဥ၀ဲဒီးတႈဘဥလိဏဖိးဒ့လိဏသး ဂ့ၚဂ့ၚဘဥဘဥအခါယ အသုတဘဥအိဥ၀ဲဒီး တႈသူဥဟးဂီၚသးဟးဂီၚတဂ့ၚ’ ပကဘဥသ့ဥညါပ၀ဲလ႕ ဎြၚသူ၀ဲတႈကီတႈခဲလ႕ ပထံဥဘဥအီၚသ့ဥတဖဥယ ထူဥစုညါသ့ဥတဖဥ ဒ္သိးပတအိဥအသး ကဂ႕ႈကက်႕ၚ၀ဲအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

ထူဥစုညါ မ့ႈ၀ဲတႈလဲၚက်ဲလ႕ ပတႈကဲထီဥ၀ဲအပ်ဲဥအဘီဥ လီၚတံဥလီၚဆဲးသ့ဥတဖဥအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’ တႈနးတႈဖွီဥ မ့ႈတႈလ႕အဘဥဃးဒီး တႈအုဥက့ၚခီဥက့ၚနဥ့လီၚ’ ဖဲပမၚတႈလ႕ တႈတီတႈလိၚအပူၚအခါယ ဖဲပွၚအဂၚနဥပ႕ႈကမဥပွၚအခါယ ဖဲပွၚအဂၚမၚအ႕မၚနးပွၚလ႕ တႈတမ့ႈတတီအပူၚအခါယ ပကဘဥထံဥလီၚက့ၚ တႈခီဖ်ိထံဥဘဥတႈသ့ဥတဖဥအံၚ ဒ္အမ့ႈ တႈမၚကဆွဲကဆွီလီၚက့ၚပသး အပီၚအလီသ့ဥတဖဥ ဒီးမ့ႈ၀ဲ တႈဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥလ႕ တႈစီတႈဆွံအပူၚအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

မုႈကီၚလံဥ ထီဒုဥဒါ၀ဲဎြၚအတႈဖံးတႈမၚ ခီဖ်ိလ႕ပတႈဖံးတႈမၚအပူၚယ ဒီးခီဖ်ိလ႕အတႈသူပွၚအပူၚနဥ့လီၚ’ တဘ်ီဘ်ီသူ၀ဲပဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈသ့ဥတဖဥ ဒ္သိးအကမၚဘဥဒိဆါပွၚအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’ ဘဥဆဥ ပကဘဥသ့ဥညါ၀ဲလ႕ မုႈကီၚလံဥ မ့ႈ၀ဲပဒုဥပဒါနီႈနီႈနဥ့လီၚ’

Some of the reflections for the priests on the occasion of ongoing formation on November 05, 2019 in Nyaunglebin

A priest must be aware of the emotions of people around him- the morale, the toxic feelings, anger , sadness, conflict and division, fear, etc- and lean to deal with them and come up with appropriate response. He must be able to empathize, inspire, reconcile, etc…

There can be always intelligent people as well as  emotional people.

Lack of emotional intelligence creates leadership discord: this happens when a leader is not able to manage his own feelings.

The priests should avoid micro-managing. He must learn to delegate and observe subsidiarity.

The priest should not rely on coercive methods and policies to get things done. He should avoid being rigid and strict. Rather he should inspire others to move, and encourage them, bring out the best in them. He has to be more compassionate.

Below are what to avoid:

Acting in any way that intimidates subordinates, thus preventing them from freely expressing their views and giving their inputs.

Becoming impatient with people, to the point of just dictating on them. We must learn to work with and to walk with our people.

Becoming defensive or overly sensitive when criticized or questioned. Rather, welcome the criticism, which hopefully is constructive, and learn whatever needs to be learned. If there is no validity to the criticism, then simply explain and then leave the matters in the hands of the superior.

Fault finding; being focused more on the faults of the subordinates. We are all works in progress. Leaders should in fact thank God.

Cold shoulder treatment to critics. We must always be patient, tolerant and forgiving.

Being depressed when things do not go our way. We must realize that God uses difficulties, challenges and crosses to keep us constant.

Looking on affliction as undesirable. The cross is the way of true discipleship. Suffering is redemptive. As long as we act in righteousness, being misunderstood or being unjustly persecuted is to be considered as part of our continuing purification and growth to holiness.

Satan opposes God’s work in and through us. At times he is able to use brethren to afflict us. But we should always know that he is the true enemy.

RVA Sgaw Karen Service, November 05, 2019


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