တႈကြႈထံဆိကမိဥလ႕နီႈခိဒီးနီႈသးဂီႈ မုႈဃုနံၚဂီႈ (လါဎူၚယ၁၇ယ၂၀၁၉)

Reflection Of The Day

"Do not oppose evil with evil" Mt 5:39

Vengeance belongs to God alone and not to us. We cannot avenge a wrong but we can definitely win over it and this is possible only by an act of forgiveness. As it is said, forgiveness is not an act of a weak person but a strong person. If I approach the adversary as an adversary then I am in no way different from the offender. Therefore, Jesus clearly tells us," not eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Jesus opposes revenge or retaliation but proposes acceptance and forgiveness. Revenge or vengence cannot promote peace but it is only forgiveness can bring about healing and peace.

တႈကြႈထံဆိကမိႈ     မးသဲ ၅း၃၈”၄၂      လါဎူၚ ၁၇ သီ ၂၀၁၉

တႈမၚဆ႕က့ၚတႈ မ့ႈတႈလ႕အဘဥဃးဒီးဎြၚ ဒီးတမ့ႈတႈလ႕အဘဥဃးဒီးပွၚဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’ ပသ့မၚန႕ၚက့ၚတႈ တမ့ႈ၀ဲခီဖ်ိလ႕တႈမၚဆ႕က့ၚတႈဘဥဒီး မ့ႈ၀ဲခီဖ်ိတႈပ်ႈကြံဏပွၚဂၚအတႈကမဥနဥ့လီၚ’ ပနဥဟူညီႏုႈ၀ဲဒ္အမ့ႈ တႈပ်ႈကြံဏပွၚဂၚအတႈကမဥ တမ့ႈ၀ဲပွၚလ႕အပ်ႈကြံဏပွၚအဂၚအတႈကမဥတဂၚ အိဥ၀ဲဒီးအတႈဂံႈစႈဘါစႈဘဥဒီး မ့ႈ၀ဲပွၚလ႕အအိဥဒီးတႈဂံႈဆူဥဘါဆူဥတဂၚနဥ့လီၚ’ ပမ့ႈကြႈဆ႕ဥမဲဏထီဒုဥဒါ ပွၚလ႕အထီဒုဥဒါပွၚဒီး ပတႈလီၚဆီလိဏပသးဒီး ပွၚလ႕အထီဒါပွၚတအိဥလ႕ၚ၀ဲနီတမံၚဘဥနဥ့လီၚ’ ခရံဏထီဒါ၀ဲပွၚလ႕အမၚဆ႕က့ၚတႈ ဒီးမ႕နဥ့ဆီဥခံတႈဒ္သိးပွၚကတူဥလိဏလိဏသး ပ်ႈကြံဏလိဏသးအဂီႈနဥ့လီၚ’ တႈမၚဆ႕က့ၚတႈ တမၚဒိဥထီဥထီထီဥ၀ဲ တႈမုဏတႈခုဥဘဥဒီး တႈဒုးအိဥထီဥတႈဎါဘ်ါဒီး တႈမုဏတႈခုဥ မ့ႈဒဥတႈပ်ႈကြံဏပွၚဂၚအတႈကမဥနဥ့လီၚ’  

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လ႕တႈကြႈကီဒိကနဥတႈရဲဥလီၚက်ဲၚလီၚအံၚအဂီႈ ဆီဥလီၚတႈဂီၚမူအိဥဖဲအဖီလဏအံၚ ဒီးကြႈကီဒိကနဥအီၚသ့၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ

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