ပႈပါ Francis စံး၀ဲ သးစီဆံွကစႈ ဒုးမၚနဥ့ပွၚတႈဃူတႈဖိးလ႕ပပူၚ ဒီးလ႕ပက်ါ

Pope at Mass: the Holy Spirit brings harmony within us and among us

ပႈပါ Francis စံး၀ဲ သးစီဆံွကစႈ ဒုးမၚနဥ့ပွၚတႈဃူတႈဖိးလ႕ပပူၚ ဒီးလ႕ပက်ါ

Pope at Mass: the Holy Spirit brings harmony within us and among us

Spirit of peace

Pope Francis said that at today’s frenzied pace of life, harmony seems swept aside and often we look for quick fixes.

But more than anything else, he said, we need the Spirit.

“The Spirit is peace in the midst of restlessness, confidence in the midst of discouragement, joy in sadness, youth in aging, courage in the hour of trial,” he said.

Without the Spirit, the Pope continued, our Christian life unravels, lacking the love that brings everything together.

“Without the Spirit, Jesus remains a personage from the past; with the Spirit, he is a person alive in our own time.  Without the Spirit, Scripture is a dead letter; with the Spirit it is a word of life.  A Christianity without the Spirit is joyless moralism; with the Spirit, it is life,” he said.

The Pope noted that the Holy Spirit does not bring only harmony within us but also among us, distributing the great variety of the Church’s qualities and gifts creatively.

And on the basis of this variety, he continued, the Spirit builds unity: “From the beginning of creation, he has done this.  Because he is a specialist in changing chaos into cosmos, in creating harmony.”

သးလ႕အဘဥဃးဒီးတႈဃူတႈဖိး (Spirit Of Unity)

လ႕အတႈပဏဖ်ါဒိဥ၀ဲ တႈဂ့ႈလ႕အဘဥဃးဒီးတႈဃူတႈဖိး တအိဥ၀ဲလ႕ဟီဥခိဥခ်႕အံၚအပူၚ ဒီးဒုးအိဥထီဥ၀ဲ တႈလီၚဖးလိဏသးသ့ဥတဖဥအဃိ ပႈပါ Francis စံး၀ဲလ႕ ပွၚတနီၚနီၚအိဥဒီးတႈအါမံၚယ မ့မ့ႈပွၚတနီၚနီၚတအိဥဒီးတႈနီတမံၚယ ပွၚတနီၚအိဥမူ၀ဲတုၚအနံဥတကဎၚယ ပွၚတနီၚတသ့အိဥဖ်ဲဥထီဥ၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’

ပွၚသူ၀ဲ Computer အဆ႕ကတီႈယ ပွၚအိဥဎံၚလိဏသးသ့ဥတဖဥ အိဥအါထီဥ၀ဲကြႈ့ကြႈ့ယ ပသူ၀ဲတႈပီၚတႈလီၚသ့ဥတဖဥ မ့ႈအါတလ႕ကြံဏအခ႕းဒီး ပတႈဆဲးက်႕လိဏသး မဲဏတခီမဲဏတအိဥလ႕ၚ၀ဲအါအါလ႕ၚဘဥအဂ့ႈ စံး၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’

ပလိဏဘဥ၀ဲသးလ႕အအိဥဒီးတႈဃူတႈဖိး ဒ္သိးပကအိဥမူကဒီးဒ္တႈအိဥဖွိဥကရ႕ယ ဒ္ဎြၚဖိဎြၚလံၚ ဒီးဒ္ပွၚကညီအဒူဥဖိထ႕ဖိသ့ဥတဖဥ အသိးအဂ့ႈစံး၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’

သးစီဆွံကစႈ ထုးဖွိဥ၀ဏဖွိဥ၀ဲ ကဎဲႈပွၚလ႕အအိဥဎံၚလိဏအသးသ့ဥတဖဥ ဒီးကိးက့ၚအ၀ဲသ့ဥဆူ ဟံဥတဖ်႕ဥဃီအပူၚယ ပဏဃုဏ၀ဲတႈလ႕အလီၚဆီလိဏအသးသ့ဥတဖဥ ဆူတႈတမံၚဃီအပူၚ မ့ႈလ႕အထံဥ၀ဲတႈအဂ့ၚလ႕ တႈခဲလ႕ဏအမဲဥညါအဃိအဂ့ႈ ပႈပါ Francis စံး၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’

စံးကဒီး၀ဲလ႕ သးစီဆွံကစႈ ဘွီဂ့ၚ၀ဲတႈအိဥဖွိဥကရ႕ဒီးဟီဥခိဥခ်႕ ဒ္အမ့ႈတႈလီႈလ႕ ဖိမုႈဖိခြါယ ဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈမုဏဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈခြါသ့ဥတဖဥ အတႈလီႈတႈက်ဲအသိးနဥ့လီၚ’

ပွၚလ႕အအိဥမူ၀ဲလ႕ သးစီဆွံကစႈအပူၚသ့ဥတဖဥ လဲၚစိဏဆွ႕၀ဲတႈဃူတႈဖိး ဖဲတႈတဘဥလိဏဖိးဒ့လိဏသးအိဥထီဥ၀ဲတႈလီႈယ ပွၚလ႕အအိဥလ႕ပွဲၚဒီးသးစီဆွံကစႈသ့ဥတဖဥ ဟ့ဥဆ႕က့ၚ၀ဲတႈအ႕တႈသီလ႕ တႈဂ့ၚတႈ၀ါယ မၚဆ႕က့ၚ၀ဲတႈပဏထီဥထီသးလ႕ တႈမဲဏမုဏနါဆ႕ယ မၚဆ႕က့ၚ၀ဲတႈကတိၚအအ႕အသီ လ႕တႈမုဏတႈခုဏဒီးတႈဘ့ဥတႈဘွီဥယ လ႕တႈသီဥ၀ံသဲကလၚတႈအလီႈ မၚ၀ဲတႈထုကဖဥယ လ႕တႈသူဥဟးဂီၚသးဟးဂီၚအလီႈ ဟ့ဥလီၚ၀ဲတႈကတိၚဟ့ဥဂံႈဟ့ဥဘါပွၚအဂၚ အဂ့ႈစံး၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’

ပႈပါ Francis ကြဲမုဏ၀ဲပွၚခဲလ႕ဏ ဒ္သိးအကထံဥတႈဒ္သးစီဆွံ အတႈပညိဏအိဥ၀ဲအသိး ဒီးတႈခဲလ႕ဏသ့ဥတဖဥ ကလဲလိဏကြံဏအသး လ႕သးစီဆွံကစႈအပူၚယ တႈအိဥဖွိဥကရ႕မ့ႈ၀ဲ ဎြၚအပွၚကလုႈလ႕အစီဆွံ၀ဲသ့ဥတဖဥယ ဒီးတႈအိဥဖွိဥကရ႕အတႈဖံးတႈမၚ ကသလဏလီၚအသးလ႕တႈသူဥဖွံသးညီအပူၚယ ဒီးပွၚအဂၚသ့ဥတဖဥကဲထီဥ၀ဲ ပဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈမုဏဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈခြါယ ပွၚခဲလ႕ဏဘဥတႈအဲဥကြံအီၚလ႕ ပႈတဂၚဃီအဂ့ႈ စံး၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’

သးစီဆွံကစႈမ့ႈတအိဥဘဥဒီး တႈအိဥဖွိဥကရ႕ ကမ့ႈဒဥကရ႕ကရိဎိဎိ ဒ္လ႕မုႈဆ့ဥမုႈဂီၚအဂ့ႈယ ဒီးအတႈဖံးတႈမၚကမ့ႈဒဥ တႈမၚတႈလ႕တႈမံၚဟူဥသဥဖ်ါဎိဎိအဂီႈအဂ့ႈ ပႈပါ Francis ကတိၚပလီႈ၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ’



09 June 2019


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