တႈကြႈထံဆိကမိႈ ဎိၚဟဥ ၂၁း၂၀”၂၅ လါဎူၚ ၈ သီ ၂၀၁၉

တႈကြႈထံဆိကမိႈ     ဎိၚဟဥ ၂၁း၂၀”၂၅ လါဎူၚ ၈ သီ ၂၀၁၉

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31. Jn 21:20-25

Both the readings of today are taken from the last Chapters of both. The Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of John. Both of the books may end with those words. But witnesses or the activities or the divine interventions will go on as the Word of God lives. This make us to be active and to make the kingdom of God a reality until the Lord comes. We are to continue writing the history of salvation by our word and deed, love and service and brotherhood and sisterhood. Let us remain united until He comes.

“Lord, help me to remain faithful to you until you come.”

ပွၚတႈမ႕ဖိသ့ဥတဖဥဒီး ကဎဲႈဎြၚဖိဎြၚလံၚခဲလ႕ဏသ့ဥတဖဥ အမူအဒါဒီးအတႈဖံးတႈမၚ ဒ္အမ့ႈတႈအုဥပသးလ႕တႈသးခုကစီႈအဂီႈယ ပတႈဟူးဂဲၚဖံးတႈမၚတႈ ဒီးဎြၚအတႈသုးတႈက်ဲးႏုႈလီၚ၀ဲလ႕ တႈဘ႕ဥစ႕ၚ ကမ့ႈ၀ဲဆူညါကြႈ့ကြႈ့ ဒ္ဎြၚအကလုႈကထါ အိဥမူ၀ဲထီဘိအသိးနဥ့လီၚ’ မ့ႈတႈလ႕အထိးဘဥပသူဥပသး ဒ္သိးပကအိဥမူဟူးဂဲၚဖံးမၚတႈ ဒီးမၚသကိးတႈဒ္သိး ဎြၚအဘီအမုႈကအိဥဖ်ါ၀ဲ တုၚပကစႈ ဟဲက့ၚကဒီးတဘ်ီအခါနဥ့လီၚ’ ပကဘဥကြဲးကဒီး တႈအုဥက့ၚခီဥက့ၚ အတႈစံဏစိၚတဲစိၚအဂ့ႈအက်ိၚ ခီဖ်ိပတႈစံးတႈကတိၚယ ပတႈဖံးတႈမၚယ ပတႈအဲဥတႈကြံယ ပတႈမၚတႈခ့တႈပွၚအတႈမၚယ ခီဖ်ိပတႈအိဥမူအိဥဂဲၚလ႕ ဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈမုႈယ ဒီပုႈ၀ဲႈခြါအတႈကဲအပူၚအသိးနဥ့လီၚ’ မ္ပကအိဥဂ႕ႈဆိးက်႕ၚ လ႕တႈအိဥဃူအိဥဖိးအပူၚ တုၚပကစႈ ဟဲက့ၚကဒီးတဘ်ီအကတီႈနဥ့တက့ႈ’ (ကစႈဧ႕ယ မၚစ႕ၚဎၚ ဒ္သိးဎကအိဥတီအိဥလိၚဎဲ လ႕နပူၚ တုၚနဟဲက့ၚကဒီးနဲတစုနဥ့တက့ႈ’)

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လ႕တႈကြႈကီဒိကနဥတႈရဲဥလီၚက်ဲၚလီၚအံၚအဂီႈ ဆီဥလီၚတႈဂီၚမူအိဥဖဲအဖီလဏအံၚ ဒီးကြႈကီဒိကနဥအီၚသ့၀ဲနဥ့လီၚ

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